We left the hostel in Eugene early this morning and rode to Walterville where I was able to pick up my bike jacket that my sister was kind enough to send last week. Today was confirmation that I am starting to get into biking shape. We rode almost 65 miles, climbed close to 1000 feet, and we were still able to average over 13 mph. In fact, we were able to set up camp early. We are in the National Forest a little beyond McKenzie Bridge. It turns out McKenzie Pass is closed due to the snow. So, we will be going over Santiam Pass. The alternate route is 500 feet lower than McKenzie Pass, but 12 miles longer. Tomorrow is going to be interesting. We are camped at the foot of the mountain right now. Sisters is the town on the other side. However, it doesn't look like there are any services in the 50 or so miles in between here and there other than a couple of campgrounds.