Today was another light day. The MacDonald's invited us for lunch after Sunday morning meeting. Then we said our good-byes and rode about nine miles to Tillamook, where there was a
cheese factory. The factory had a museum that we spent a good hour or so exploring. The route continued around Tillamook Bay. After a good climb up a pretty steep hill, we stopped at
Cape Meares State Park, where there was a beautiful view of the ocean and a lighthouse.

After 35 miles for the day, we stopped for the night at
Cape Lookout State Park. While the sun had already set by the time we set up camp, this has to be the best camp so far. My tent is within 5o feet of the ocean, and I am able to fall asleep to the sound of the waves hitting the shore. Since tomorrow we will be heading inland, this is the perfect way to spend our last night on the coast.

This was the view from our camp: